Gela (also known as Tigania) is located on the rocky and pebbly coastline of northern Crete, which is well-sheltered from westerly winds. This spot is around 58 kilometres from Agios Nikolaos and 26 kilometres from Sitia, close to the village of Kalavros. To get here from Agios Nikolaos, you will need to take the road to Sitia and turn off at Kalavros village. From there, take the 5-kilometre dirt track until you reach the shore of Gela. This area is extremely secluded and you will find several small coves with pebbles and crystal-clear waters, making it ideal for swimming (on days when there are no waves). The bays are formed near the rocky and steep cliffs and the sea is deep.
This spot is perfect for fishing and snorkelling, but also for those looking for some privacy. You are almost guaranteed to have the whole place to yourself.